
Monday, August 23, 2010

Steven R Mcqueen talks with TV Fanatic about where his character will go in Season 2 of The Vampire Diaries.

Steven R Mcqueen gives quite a few spoilers away and talks about how Jeremy will become more cold and focused in season 2.

"Obviously, Jeremy wakes up, changed or not changed. Can you tell me how life goes when he does wake up?
Jeremy is a little more calculated. He always had his heart on his sleeve, and he doesn’t [use] emotion anymore. He thinks logically of how he can control the situation.

Will Jeremy and Elena be able to repair their relationship?
They actually get into a fist fight in the first episode [laughs].

Will Jeremy and Katherine have a run-in?

There are a lot of other goodies in this article as well so head over to TV fanatic to read the rest of the interview.

Source: TV Fanatic

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